Let Tun Speak

No wonder, Tun has recently announced his plans to become a delegate at the party’s general assembly in November, where he would raise a number of issues if given a chance to speak at the event. However, he said there were plans to stifle him. "I know they will cut me out. Even if I am selected as a delegate, I may not get a chance to speak as the Menteri Besar may not choose me.”
Although he has the right to contest as a delegate as provided for in the party's constitution, there are voices who think that he should reconsider his intention because the general opinion is that he should not. For someone who has reached the top-most level of the party as president and prime minister and who has received the highest honour, to come down as a normal delegate is something that can be interpreted in many ways."Many feel that it is not appropriate for Dr Mahathir to do this," said the Deputy PM.
The party’s vice-president meanwhile, said too much time had been wasted replying to Dr Mahathir’s allegations. "I am not saying that replying to the allegations is a waste of time. It has to be done, but if these issues had not been raised, we could have utilised the time explaining the Ninth Malaysia Plan to members." Meanwhile, Youth Chief said that for an Ex-PM attending an assembly as a delegate is ‘against Malay culture’. Never in history had a former prime minister been among the delegates. “This goes against the values and principles of how we were brought up and the Malay culture itself. “I am worried and sad that if Tun Dr Mahathir is there, it will affect the position of the Malays and even his position as we are being observed by the world, other races and Malays who are not Umno members.”
In Jitra, 32 Umno branches in the Kubang Pasu division also urged the former Prime Minister to reconsider his decision. That was the sentiment of 32 Umno branches over Tun’s intention to represent the division at the general assembly in November.A spokesman for the 32 branches, said Dr Mahathir should withdraw from contesting a delegate’s post to protect his dignity as former prime minister, Umno president and chairman of the division."Even if he contests, we cannot promise he would be chosen," he said. The 32 branches are considered the most influential among the 146 in the Kubang Pasu Umno division.
However, it was reported that Tun has been nominated as a delegate by 79 branches out of 136 branches in Kubang Pasu division. He leads with 60% nominations.
No One should prejudge what Tun will touch on if he is allowed to speak at the party general assembly in November. Let him proceed with his intentions. Whether people say that he is demeaning himself when he gives his speech as a delegate is a matter of personal judgement.
Whether Abdullah likes it or not, he owes his position to Tun. There are other candidates stronger than Abdullah and if an open contest was allowed he would be pulverised. He would not have won even the deputy president’s post, let alone the presidency. Tun made him. Abdullah is prime minister only at the grace of Mahathir, no less and no more. In fact, he was also deputy prime minister before this at the grace of Mahathir. And this is something Abdullah cannot comprehend or come to terms with.
Because time is not on his side, Tun Mahathir is hoping to kill Pak Lah this November. He hopes that he will land the killer punch so that Pak Lah will not be able to get up. With all the key ingredients in place, all Tun needs to do is show up at the assembly and he will be able to save his legacy that is been dismantled bit by bit by his successor.