New Season Returns
Prison Break, an American television series on Fox that created and co-executive produced by Paul Scheuring, Adelstein-Parouse Production in association with Original Television and 20th Century Fox Television was premiered on August 29, 2005. The story revolves around a man who was sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit and the lengths that his brother will go to to save him. Season 1 reached its completion in the U.S. on May 15, 2006 but still on air here on 8TV at 10.30 p.m every Monday. Fox has scheduled Season 2 of Prison Break to begin on August 21, 2006 in the United States. However, thanks to P2P - which offers the fans elsewhere to have the episodes shared and downloaded within two or three hours after they were aired in the States!!
The origins of Prison Break began as an initial concept (a man deliberately getting himself sent to prison in order to break out again) that was suggested to Paul Scheuring by a female colleague of his. Although Paul thought it was a great idea, he was initially stumped as to why someone would embark on such a strange mission or how he could stretch the idea out long enough for a TV show. He later came up with the idea of the wrongfully accused brother, and the conspiracy subplot. He then started work writing the plot outline and thinking up the characters for the show. In 2003 he pitched the idea to the Fox Broadcasting Company, but was turned down as Fox felt somewhat nervous about the long-term possibilities of such a television series. He subsequently showed the concept to other channels with no luck. The show was later considered as a possible 10-part mini series, which allegedly drew interest from big names in the film industry such as Steven Spielberg and Bruce Willis. However, the mini series never materialized. Following the huge popularity of serialized prime-time television series such as Lost and 24, the Fox Network had a change of heart and backed the production in 2004.
Lincoln Burrows is accused of the murder of Terrence Steadman, who is the brother of the female Vice President of the United States. With strong evidence supporting the charges of first degree murder and aggravated discharge of a firearm against him, Lincoln was sentenced to death (by electric chair). Although Lincoln adamantly asserted his innocence and that he was set up, he was sentenced to the Fox River prison facility to await his execution.
Lincoln's brother, Michael Scofield is convinced that Lincoln cannot have committed such a crime, and hatched an escape plan. He designed a full-body tattoo that secretly encodes every last detail of the prison facility and had it painted on his body. After destroying any evidence that could reveal the tattoo at his office, Michael staged a bank robbery, knowing that he will be convicted and sent to Fox River. Once an inmate, time worked against him as he overcame various obstacles and made the right connections among the inmates and prison staff to be successful in breaking out his brother.
As Michael put his plan to action inside the prison to save his brother, their childhood friend and lawyer, Veronica Donovan worked on the outside to uncover the conspiracy that put Lincoln in jail. She began to unravel a trail of mysterious incidences that resulted in her being pursued by covert agents. On the same night as Michael and Lincoln's successful escape from Fox River, Veronica found the strongest piece of evidence to disprove Lincoln's murder charge - Terrence Steadman still alive.
Season 2
Eight hours after their escape from Fox River State Penitentiary, Michael and Lincoln are on the run from the authorities pursuing them. Among those who escaped with them are Sucre, Abruzzi, C-Note, T-Bag, Haywire and Tweener. Soon after the prison break, a federal agent, Alexander Mahone is assigned to track down and capture these eight escapees. The story will continue to explore the conspiracy that put Lincoln in jail.
Cast and characters
Main cast
Wentworth Miller as Michael Scofield
Dominic Purcell as Lincoln Burrows
Peter Stormare as John Abruzzi
Robin Tunney as Veronica Donovan
Amaury Nolasco as Fernando Sucre
Marshall Allman as Lincoln "L.J." Burrows, Jr.
Wade Williams as Captain Brad Bellick
Paul Adelstein as Agent Paul Kellerman
Robert Knepper as Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell
Rockmond Dunbar as Benjamin Miles "C-Note" Franklin
Sarah Wayne Callies as Dr. Sara Tancredi
William Fichtner as Alexander Mahone (Season 2)