Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Death Threats

Wanted dead’ - That's the threat in a poster calling for the death of a lawyer. The threat is expressly link to his involvement in Article 11 coalition and holding a watching brief on behalf of the Malaysian Bar in the case of Lina Joy that is presently before the Federal Court. In holding the said watching brief, he advanced the Bar Council’s position on the legal issues pertaining to the case. The Muslim Youth Movement (ABIM) denounced the leaflet. Its President warned those responsible are violating the laws - both Islamic and Federal. According to him, the Movement does not condone the use of violence against anyone even if it disagrees with his opinions. The Bar Council resolutely condemns the circulation and the contents of the said poster which is issued to intimidate, threaten and oppress a member of the Malaysian Bar in the discharge of his functions and role as a lawyer. Our justice system demands that parties be given the right to be heard, and justice is dispensed by the Courts having heard the parties. Hence, it is the duty of every Advocate & Solicitor to present and state his client’s case without fear or favour, and it is under the protection of our Courts that an Advocate & Solicitor is able to freely and fairly advance his client’s case, no matter how unpalatable or offensive his or her argument or version of facts may appear to any other party. In this regard, the authorities must launch an immediate investigation to identify the party or parties responsible for this act. The individuals responsible need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Malaysian society must react to show that there is no room for death threats or any similar acts of intimidation in our civilised society.